Thursday, May 1, 2014


This last weekend we went to the Living Planet Aquarium for the first time. If you've never gone, go soon!!!
Elizabeth got a nice nap in on our way there.

We highly recommend buying tickets online and going as soon as it opens to avoid most of the crowds and you won't have to wait in line outside. 

Giant Penguin Tank

I think the penguins were our favorite out of the whole thing. We could have been there forever.

The shark tank was our second favorite exhibit! There is something magical about sharks swimming all around us.

Definitely would bring the animal backpack leashes for the little kids! There are some small entrances where if there wasn't a leash, I don't think people would have let me through to hold onto my son. But that's Utah. 

Anyway... Shark Tank is awesome!!!

Some kind of Sting Ray in South America.

We went to the 4D Shark Movie. It was really nice, because the main screen was still watchable so it didn't matter if the kids kept their glasses on or not.

The movie was alright, but fun for the kids to see the sharks and have water sprayed in their faces.

Even Elizabeth had fun.

Thinking of Elder Criman.

These are the kind of Parana that are in the rivers by Kevin. 

After we let the kids pick out a toy from the gift shop. Elizabeth loves her Penguin still!!!

The best part is, the money is going to a great cause and we get to go back whenever we want to until August.


  1. Kristen, I just love being able to see the adventures your family goes on! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. I'm so glad you posted! I didn't know you had a blog :)
