Friday, March 22, 2013

Silly Boy

 I gave all the boys a sippy cup and Michael wanted one too.

He was so happy to be like the boys!

I have found Michael in the weirdest positions when he wakes up from his naps. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

So Long Friend

Today the Criman family lost a wonderful friend.

So long Target, have fun running and enjoy being free of pain!

Friday, March 15, 2013


It's amazing how being outside makes us all feel better!

24 Weeks

Sometimes I look at my belly and think it's so cute!
I realized I haven't taken a picture in a while, so I thought, cute shirt, cute apron, why not?!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Small Spaces

I don't know what it is with these boys and small spaces, but all four of them love to pile close into corners.


Michael had his first experience with grass! He wasn't so sure about it at first, but then he was happy to pick it and eat it!

Tim went for a ride with Grandpa!

Sally came along too.

9 Months!

I can't believe our little guy is nine months already! He has so much personality, it's amazing!

He is officially out of 12 month clothes and fully into 18 month!
Michael loves to army crawl and is getting better and better on his hands and knees.
He's slowly getting a hang of walking along tables and benches and can walk really well holding our fingers!
He loves to play with Tim and other kids as well!
He is also talking with lots of, "Dadada"s and "Babababa"s!
He's still working on his first tooth, I've felt the little spike, but it keeps going back into his gums, poor guy.
His smiles and laughter make my day and I am so glad he is in our family!

A Little Bit of Tim

Tim still loves playing in his toy box!

Saturday we walked through Toys R Us and Tim loved playing in the cars! He even picked up a cute little girl! :)
Tim loves to read!

He especially loves reading with his Dad!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Van Buddies

Tim and Michael love being able to sit next to each other in the new van!

We were getting home kinda late last night and Michael was crying. Tim held his hand all the way home to make him feel better, what a good brother!

Speed Crawling

I finally was able to catch Michael's army crawling on video! He can book it!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Crazy Bath Hair

I am so grateful to have boys that love bath time! It literally saves me during Jon's night class. I can sit on our step and relax from a long day while watching them play their little hearts out!

And of course the crazy bath hair just makes me laugh!

Silly Boys

I walk into the room and all boys are on the ground drumming on their tummies. Too funny!

Today  I finally had enough toilet paper rolls to make all the boys binoculars. 

We sang "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" a couple times and then they ran around looking for something, I couldn't understand what they were saying, but it was adventurous! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Little Helpers

Tim and Braxton wanted to help me with Dishes, so we put on our aprons and got to work!

"Little" Brother?

Michael is already wrestling with his brother! He floored Tim! Laughed so hard!

Newest Member of the Family

Well she's finally here!
Saturday we made the biggest purchase in our marriage. We got a van so we can fit our growing family!

Tim is so excited to drive in the van and we are so excited to be able to fit our family in a car!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Best Fortune Cookie Ever!

McDonalds Break

Wednesday my parents dropped Kevin off at the MTC! To distract ourselves, Mom and I took the boys to McDonalds.


This kid gets hurt  more than anyone I know! Tim was trying to escape from rest time and fell jumping down. He scratched his back on one of his dresser drawers all the way down. Luckily it's healing up nicely and wasn't worse than it could have been. I'm hoping this is that last big ouch for a while. (Knock on wood)