Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jon's 27th Birthday!

Saturday we went to Jon's work and surprised him with a picnic!

We went and walked down the trail that follows the Provo River.

Saturday Night we went to dinner with my family.

We asked the waitress to sneak some tomatoes on his plate.

Sunday naps

My first cake made from scratch.  The frosting was in a tube and didn't come out smoothly at all. I'm sticking to bagging my frosting from now on.

Happy Birthday to a wonderful husband and father!

My Girls!!!

Growing up with only brothers, I always wanted a daughter. I now have two beautiful little girls!
Elizabeth has turned into quite the girly girl. She loves getting her hair done and playing with dolls. But she still is attached to leg.

Elizabeth is a wonderful big sister. We're still working on being soft, but she wants to help so bad.
 If Livy even starts to cry, Elizabeth jumps to her side.

Elizabeth can fall asleep almost anywhere.

Livy is the happiest baby EVER!

She loves to talk and smile to anyone who'll listen.

She is such an example to love life!

My girls have inherited my bed head and my love of mornings.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Trip to Cabella's!

Need a free place to go with the family? Cabella's is a great place to go!
Our kids love looking at the animals and the fish!

First Last Day of School

Tim's last day of school was at the Kangaroo Zoo!
It was so much fun meeting all of Timothy's friends.

These ladies are amazing! Tim absolutely loves school and can't wait to have Michael come too.