Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Best Buds

Tim loves animals! His favorite is Sally. She's growing accustomed to him :)

We are so blessed to have a dog that tolerates the kids so well. There have been many occasions where I find one of the kids sitting or standing on her, playing train with her tail, or being chased around the yard.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Library Basket

We got a library card, FINALLY!!! Our books kept getting scattered everywhere, so I found a basket downstairs. 

I added a ribbon with a paperclip to put our receipt on. I hope the paperclip idea works, so we can keep track of all the books. 

Provo Tab Temple

We passed the Provo Tabernacle Temple and it's getting so close!!! I'm so excited to see it finished!

St. Patrick's Day

The night before St. Patty's Day we made a leprechaun trap. 

The boys didn't understand what was going on so much.

In the morning Tim found some gold candy and colors of the rainbow.

Tim was really excited about the treats.

We finger painted with water colors.

We drew leprechaun hats and clovers on the boys cheeks 

Elizabeth got cute little dots.

We made rainbows with pipe-cleaners and a strainer.

It was a fun morning not worrying about cleaning and just spending time together.


140314-001 e sneeze

Elizabeth started crawling like crazy this week!!! She is zipping all over the place! Let's just say there's a lot less screaming of frustration when she wanted to get somewhere.

Elizabeth has been trying to stand up all week and today she actually stood by herself for a couple seconds!!!

She's growing up too fast!

Elizabeth had a sneeze stuck.

Hot Dogs on a String

My Mom and Mother-in-Law told me about this idea they saw on Facebook. You put spaghetti noodles through hot dogs and then boil them.
I was going to just do it quick, but the boys looked interested, so I invited them to help me.

Hint: Don't put out as many noodles when you have the kids help or you will have broken noodles all over the kitchen!

The boys were fascinated when they came out of the pot. 

Tim doesn't like spaghetti sauce, so we just put ketchup on it. They loved it!!! I wasn't brave enough to try it, so I just made myself extra noodles, Olive Oil, and Parmesan cheese.

Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm a Mormon

I finally made a Profile on and it was really interesting thinking about my journey through the gospel. I wish I had a talent with expressing how I feel through words, so I feel like this isn't even close to how I really feel. I'll probably be tweeking it for forever, but it has the basics of my testimony.

Here is the link to my profile:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Playing Hard

Tim was on one today! Like today he wouldn't even sit down for quiet time, he just had too much energy!
While we were getting ready for dinner Tim was playing on the big chair he fell asleep! Lately he's been falling asleep during dinner, but never before. Having friends over all the time really wares him out!!! 

A Nice Walk

Yesterday the weather was just too nice! So we decided to take the kids for a walk and play on the playground when we went to pick up Bridget from school.
All three wanted to sit in the wagon, so we scrunched them in.

It was nice to be able to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


A Little Bit of This....


I love this picture!!! Elizabeth is showing off her new dress.

I heard the water running in the bathroom and go to check it out. Michael climbed up to get a drink. Apparently I'm not fast enough for him.

Elizabeth is so close to crawling and furniture crawling!!! She'll take a couple steps and then sit back down.

This silly boy loves keeping his hands in his pockets.

Elizabeth's first time in the car ride at Walmart.

The boys watching it snow!

Elizabeth showing off her new dress.

Thanks Grandma Zabriskie!!!

Babysitting Round 2!

This is the second time I get to babysit the Ruiz kids and it has been awesome!!!
It is so much easier watching six kids than five and being pregnant.
Bridget and Elizabeth are best buds! Bridget is an amazing helper with Michael and Elizabeth!

I started doing the marble jar again, but made it so everyone shares one jar. I made two lines, the first is the halfway mark and everyone gets a candy; the second is at the top and everyone gets a toy.

We made it halfway and they really enjoyed the candy! 

This is the first time Tim wrote his name! I had to show him with my finger how each letter looked, but he did it!

I have a bunch of little artists

Today it snowed and as soon as I got the boys dressed, it melted...

Everyday after I get Bridget from school we have decompress time. I remember coming home from elementary school and just wanted to have a break and enjoy myself for a while, so I let her have a break before we dig into homework. Today we played SUPER SPY!!! We got some ribbon and had the kids climb through it without touching it. Of course they had Jon and I do it too. It was a lot of fun!