Friday, June 7, 2013

Just Another Thursday

Tim's fat lip. He was swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's and the dogs decided to run right into him. We think he hit his mouth on the chain, he was twisting so bad we couldn't tell. The swelling has gone down, but it's still enough that I think he's making faces.

We have boxes everywhere! Our diapers get sent in giant boxes and the boys love it! Can you tell?

Michael's first Birch Beer.

The boys love lunch time with Daddy! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Feeding Himself!

Michael is learning to feet himself!!!

He actually did a pretty good job!

Tim wanted to make sure I remembered that he can feed himself too. Saying, "Cheese" with his mouth full is so lovely. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Stretch!

Just a few more weeks until she get's here! At least her induction date says a few more weeks. We don't know if she'll actually wait until June 26th, because she's been sitting super low lately and I've been having a lot more contractions the last couple of hours. But she'll get here when she's ready!

Jon put Elizabeth's bed together and it is so cute!!! We are all ready for her to come, now we just have to be patient!


This little guy just cracks me up! He is so smart, which is scary sometimes. He loves to talk, loves to learn, and loves even more to talk about what he learns!!!
Tim loves his Friend Magazine! He'll pull up the recliner foot rest and look at the pictures for a long time!

We've been learning our numbers and shapes! He loves to count things now, which gets him distracted from what he's supposed to be doing.
I love him so much and he's an amazing older brother!