Monday, September 29, 2014

Oh Yeah...

So I didn't realize that I never posted on this blog about everything that's going on....
Since it's a long story, here's the link:

To add: The blood clot has finally stopped growing, but I'm still hurting a lot and have to lay down all the time. Baby has been moving so much and I'm actually able to feel the little gummy bear!

Baby Girl

Elizabeth is 15 Months!!!

...The Old Man is Snoring...

This is the pipe that comes out in the middle of our backyard. We have no idea where the water comes from, but every time it rains, water comes out and trash too... I can only assume it's from the gutters or something. So next time you think it's ok to throw trash down the drain, think of our backyard!

It's Raining. It's Pouring....

Yesterday it rained all day! The kids were going crazy, so I decided to bundle them up and let them splash around.

I couldn't find Michael's snow coat, so I had to cut out a garbage bag.

Mashed Together

I don't have time to make a bunch of posts, so here's our life from the last couple weeks mashed together.

Three little indians sitting in a shower.


And now she's adorable!

I was on my way to my weekly doctors visit and someone hit me... Yup we're ready for September to pass.

Aunt Lucinda and Uncle Chuck came for a visit and brought some fun coloring activities!

Tim picked some beautiful flowers or me to help baby and me to feel better!

This kid falls asleep in the strangest positions.

Our weather has been amazing!

Elizabeth found her kissy face! Hahaha

Michael fell and had a scrape all down his face. Did I mention we're ready for this month to be over?

I've had to take it easy and keep gummy bear safe. The upside, I get lots of cuddles with baby girl!

But she shares the love.

Elizabeth found her booster seat, a crayon, and some paper.

This Saturday we set up Halloween!

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Wonderful Husband!

This is the greatest man in my life. (He took this picture for one of his lessons)

He has been amazing the last couple of weeks since I've been in and out of bedrest. He's been taking up the extra house chores, making all of our dinners, taking the kids outside so I can rest, ect.

Yesterday he made my mom a cheese cake for her birthday. Not just any cheese cake, a dutch oven cheese cake. He made it after making an amazing Chinese dinner!

Pretty much I have the best husband in the world!
Love you baby!

Boys will be Boys

Silly Girl

Our little girl is growing up so fast and so is her attitude.
Elizabeth has realized she doesn't like sitting in her high chair when the boys get to sit at the table. So I let her sit in the chair during snack time.

She's also turned into quite the climber.

And loves to color with the boys.

This silly girl is so great to have around.

Casper August 2014

Over Labor Day weekend we went up to Casper.
In Evanston there is a wildlife reserve that has an outhouse and playground.

We love to stop by and let the kids walk around and then drive by the animals.

Our kids loved playing with their cousins!!!

It was a wonderful weekend!