Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fifth Month!!!

I am in my fifth month! Only a couple more weeks and we find out what we're having!


The other day we took the boys outside to get some fresh air.

It was so cold that I had to keep walking, but it didn't bother Tim. He was just so happy to be outside and able to run around.

Crazy Weather

The other day we were driving home from P.G. and the fog was super thick! I was freaking out, but Jon kept his cool. That's why he drives :)


Blocks and a snack? Life is good.

My mom and Kevin brought us a fun lunch from McDonald's! The kids loved it!
We are learning the alphabet! It's kinda fun how fast they are learning.

The train table is a big hit! Michael loves to hold on so he can be with the boys.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Scoot n Stand

Michael trying to get Tim through the basket.

Watching the boys play in the fort.

Michael can scoot backwards, we're still working on him moving forward.

My little buddy!


Tim had crazy hair! No matter how much I combed it down it would pop up.

So he got a hair cut and it looks so much better! His hair still grows thin on the sides, so it looks kinda funny in this picture, but this is still so much better!


Tim loves to help me do dishes in his new apron!

Tim helped Grandma take off all the painters tape!

He had so much fun!

Standing Up!

Michael loves to stand up in the laundry basket and Tim likes to help!

Have I Mentioned?

I don't know if I've posted that I'm pregnant again!!!
I am due July 3rd! We find out if we are having a boy or a girl Feb. 22nd! I'm so excited to find out who we are having. If my dream about a little girl named Elizabeth is actually going to happen.
We are so excited to have this little one join our family!


Who does this little baby look like?

This is Jon                                                                          This is Michael 
Crazy Right?!


Kyle and Tim scouting out the bad guys.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The bug that has been spreading throughout the nation hit our family hard. Everyone of us has been coughing, sneezing, and just not feeling good. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who put his aches and pains aside and let me relax. He even painted my nails for me. What a guy.

7 Months

This little big guy is 7 months!!!
  25.5 lbs  29.5 in 46.6 cir for his head. He's healthy and off the charts.
He likes to play with Tim, is sitting up, rolling across the room, and pulling himself up while holding our hands.


Jon was tickling Tim and Michael was so confused with what was going on.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Look who's standing! His little legs try so hard to hold up his body, but he can do it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Break 2012

Once again the pictures didn't download in order, but here is what we did this Christmas break!
My mom watched the boys so Jon and I could celebrate our Anniversary at a hotel in Midvale, the hotel is thanks to Jon's parent's giving us their hotel points.  
The boys had so much fun spending the night with Grandma!

Tim and Michael got a wagon for Christmas! Michael enjoys it so much more than I thought he would.

We had a white Christmas all the way to a New Year!

We got to play in the snow a lot! Which made us all happy!

Tim's new shirt from Grandma Anderson.

Happy New Year from the boys

Tim's first gingerbread house.

Aunt Michelle brought Christmas early! Tim got a rocking Elmo guitar! He was so excited he danced and danced.

Aunt Paula shared a book with Tim which he kept asking to read.

Michael all bundled up for the snow!

Tim loved riding on the four wheeler, can you see the snow?

This is how much snow we had on Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas Break! Thanks to everyone who made the last couple of weeks special! I loved having time with family and friends!

Oh and P.S. my phone died, so these are all the pictures I saved.... So long video of Tim opening stockings, and so many pictures....