Friday, May 16, 2014

Mommy Tips: Scissors and Screws

Mommy Tip #1:  You might call me crazy, but this is actually a great idea that I got from Tim's future Pre-School teacher.
Take a breath. Let the kids cut scrap paper with scissors. I know! Who in their right mind would trust two and three year olds with scissors?! Tim's teacher says it's a great age to start learning to cut, so they will have the hand-eye coordination for school.

My boys love it! I remind them every time it's "Cut time" that the scissors don't leave the table, fingers stay out of the way, and the paper I give them is the ONLY thing that they cut. This is an activity that I have to make sure I do when the baby is napping, so I don't have to walk too far away from them.
I bought Michael the scissors that spring open, because his little fingers aren't big enough to spread the blades apart. Michael is always asking to cut and Tim and Braxton will chime in that they want to too after he suggests it.

Mommy Tip #2: Every woman needs to know how to use a drill. I grew up using one and I use it all the time.

The latest is when I installed baskets in our bathroom. I was tired of our rolls of extra toilet baby, baby powder, smell good spray, and my lady things getting thrown every where, just because we don't have enough storage in our bathroom. So I used our limited budget and went to the dollar store and bought baskets to put up high on our cabinet. 

I drilled two screws with enough distance to fit in the little holes of the basket. Careful not to go too far in that the screws went through the cabinet wall.

Hung them up and easy as pie my bathroom stuff is out of reach!

I didn't want my pads out in the open for everyone to see, so I hung one in the dead space in my sink cabinet.
I want to spray paint the baskets, so they aren't so bright, but I still can't decide what color....

Anyway whether it's hanging up a heavy picture or putting up bright baskets, every mom should know how to use a drill, just in case.

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