I know this is silly, but I know a lot of my friends who are going to be first time moms soon, and I may not know a lot, but I know that any little tip helped. And sometimes/ most of the time, I didn't do the exact thing that was suggested, but made it our own. So I'm going to do this a lot more, and maybe it'll spring ideas for all you Mommies out there!
Jon actually came up with this, tape a picture of our family on the laptop next to the mouse. This is so we can remember what's important and not the computer. So often we get caught up on what's online, we forget that our family has a life of it's own.
Hidden Diaper Case:
My mom always has some kind of cute box or basket in the front living room just to add to the decoration of the home. Since we've moved in, this box has become the diaper box. Yes we do have a changing room downstairs, but for a majority of the day, we are upstairs in the kitchen or outside. When Elizabeth needs a change, it's nice to just be able to sit down and get it done fast, instead of running downstairs and hoping it doesn't leak out while you're holding her. It's also nice when my parents are babysitting, so they don't have to go up and down the stairs as well.
We keep a travel changing pad, wipes, desitin, baby powder, baby vapor rub, and diapers in it.
Why the Vapor rub? Especially this winter, our kids will come up with a cough or some kind of cold. While getting them ready for bed we'll plaster it on their chests and feet. This usually keeps the cough down to a minimum and even gets rid of it faster.
I usually keep a small bottle of baby lotion on top of the powder, but we ran out...
This is something I came up with a couple days ago. We bought refills of baby wipes and came home to the reusable box missing. Turns out someone threw it away because they thought we were done using it... Anyways, I looked around trying to find a container that we could use, and found this old formula box. The wipes fit perfectly! I've even found that the pointed edges of the opening helps with the struggle of wipes sticking together.
Now like I said, I am far from perfect! So if anyone has any suggestions on keeping a 22 month old from pooping his pants and getting a 3 year old to listen to you without getting upset, please comment below!!!