Wow! This summer has been crazy! We have had tons of adventures! So here's a cap on just about EVERYTHING!
Giant Airplane in Heber:
Michael's Birthday:
Michael turned the big 3!
All Michael wanted was dinner at McDonald's.
We went to Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Curiosity
We also had a BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa Criman's house
His second request was to watch a movie with the family, gotta love this kid.
He got some presents from Aunt Michelle. Not spoiled at all.
He got tons of playdough toys, which has brought much entertainment this summer.
I can't believe how big he's gotten. 3 years has sped by.
This year I wanted to go camping so bad, but things happened every time we wanted to go.
So our only camp out was our test camp out in my parent's backyard.
Elizabeth's Birthday:
Baby girl turned 2!!!
She's spoiled, but I love her!
The kids got swimwear for Elizabeth's birthday from Grandma Zabriskie.
Jon's summer job was working for Provo Parks and his main trail was next to the river. We spent many afternoons playing there after he got off work.
We've had a couple rain storms this summer and the kids have loved playing in it!
One of the best parts of the summer is watching Olivia grow up.
Eating baby food usually makes her cross eyed.
She's already in 6-9 month clothes.
Chewing on everything!
Tim got a new bike, so everyone got a new one handed down.
They all love each other so much.
Elizabeth's latest stage is the dressing herself stage. We aren't allowed to help her unless she gets tangled in her shirt.
I need a badge that says, "I dressed myself!"
We got a new van that works!!! It's amazing how nice it is to drive with A/C.
One of the best purchases we've made is getting a membership with Thanksgiving Point.
We have loved spending time at the different places available, but the kids favorite so far is, the dinosaur museum.
My little Munchkins
We've spent a lot of time kiddie pool side.
Little Miss sitting on her own!
We made a quick weekend trip to Casper.
More pictures to come from Jon's phone on our trip to Casper.
This summer has been a blast! We didn't go on a bunch of vacations, but we sure spent a lot of time together as a family and that's what it's all about.