Every time she's worn this onesie she's had a blow out.
Thanks a lot Aunt Michelle.
I was folding clothes and Michael crawled into Elizabeth's crib, silly boy.
Kyle has some crazy talent.
Another story without a picture: Tim and Michael are playing with some pumpkin decorations and Tim just said, No that's roast beef. You wouldn't like roast beef. You can have an apple.
His bear is poopy and he needs to change his diaper. Hahaha lots of imagination today!
It's been a long day. Mommy made me stay up longer between naps.
Helping Grandma shred paper!
I look out the window and see both boys bent over the swings.
New Cozy Cover!
Training camp's starting early this year.
Tim climbed up the tree all by himself!
All ready for church!
Jon's adjusting to our move :)
Happy Veteran's day!
Happy and bouncing!
Playing together!
Girl Time!!!
Tim helped put on Michael's shirt. I think he forgot to do something?
According to Tim, "You're a pirate, and that makes you cool!"
I'm doing laundry and I turn to see this Hahaha
Big helper!